SSG President’s Summer 2024 Update
Dear colleague,
I hope you have managed a holiday over the Summer.
The SSG had another excellent Summer meeting in Dunblane organised by the Lothian team led by Ben, Kim and Mhairi. This was preceded by a high-quality Trainees meeting coordinated by Rachel and Bass. Thanks to them all and also to Claire and colleagues from Amethyst, and to Stacy and Nicola from Fitwise who run the SSG secretariat.
You will be aware that due to the terms of office of many SSG Council members ending this year, a high number of Council posts are now are now available for members to apply for. All Societies depend on members involvement to drive the Society forward. Council membership gives you an opportunity to step away from the clinical pressures and influence the future of our exciting speciality. I ask you all to look at the posts below and consider applying.
- President x 1 post (applicants for President must be full members of BSG)
- Secretary Elect x 1 post
- Treasurer x 1 post
- Regional Representative - Edinburgh, Tayside and Glasgow x 1 post per region
- Council Member - DGH, Edinburgh, and Aberdeen Representatives, ie 3 posts
- Council Member - Trainee Representative x 1 post
- Council Member - Associate Representative x 1 post
The job descriptions and application details are available on the SSG website: https://www.thessg.org/ssg-elections
Closing date for applications to Council posts is 5pm, 23rd September.
We look forward to our Winter SSG meeting on Friday 6th December which is being organised by Prof Ali Taha and colleagues from Ayrshire, with the Trainees meeting on the Thursday.
I will be attending the next Scottish Colleges & Specialist Societies Forum, that feeds into Scottish Government, and also the next BSG four nations meeting where we share the progress and challenges of our speciality across the UK.
Information on the RCPSG Glasgow-Gastro Conference on 13th Sept, the combined RCPEd, SSG, and American College of Gastroenterology meeting on 6th November, and other meetings you may find of interest are available on the SSG website.
Finally, many thanks to all the outgoing the SSG Council members and SSG members who have helped with consultations and the development of our specialty in Scotland and beyond. I hope to see you at Dunblane in December.
Prof Adrian Stanley
President, Scottish Society of Gastroenterology