Friday, 1 December, 2023

NRS Gastroenterology Research Meeting

Dunblane Hydro

1st  December 2023


Light Breakfast from 7.30am, Meeting 7.45 - 8.45am


Members of the SSG are invited to a F2F NRS Gastroenterology Breakfast Meeting at the SSG Winter Meeting on the morning of the 1st December immediately before the SSG main scientific meeting.


This will hopefully be an annual F2F research event sitting alongside a parallel NRS Hepatology meeting. We would welcome all interested in luminal IBD research including IBD, GI bleeding, endoscopy, functional gut disorders & nutrition.


Provisional agenda below;

  1.  NRS GI portfolio update
  2. Research funding opportunities for GI trainees and new GI consultants 
  3. ScotRight update
  4. Open forum for PIs to discuss any key recruiting/planned studies
  5. AOCB



Trainees and early career consultants are especially encouraged to attend


The room which is booked has limited spaces, so please notify me as soon as possible if you wish to attend - hope to see you there!


Professor Daniel Gaya, NRS Gastroenterology Lead
