Friday, 12 June, 2020

Hi there,


Unfortunately, as you will probably have gathered, the proposed Scottish Liver Nurses Meeting due to be held in Glasgow on Friday 5th June has been cancelled due to Covid-19. 


However, the good news is that instead, Greater Glasgow and Clyde are hosting a virtual ‘Zoom’ education meeting on Friday 12th June to run between 12 and 2.05 pm.  


Dr Ewan Forrest, Consultant Hepatologist at Glasgow Royal Infirmary and Prof David Jones, Professor of Liver Immunology / Honorary Consultant Hepatologist from Newcastle University have both kindly agreed to talk about two very relevant and current subjects (programme attached). 


It would be great if you could join us for this meeting. It’s free for attendees, (supported and sponsored by Intercept pharma) and attached is the Zoom webinar attendee user guide. 


If you are keen to attend, please could you complete the registration form (attached) and email it to the meeting organiser Margaret Neilson, Hepatology Nurse Practitioner at Glasgow Royal Infirmary ( 


We look forward to hearing from you and hope you are all keeping safe and well!


Kind regards,


Kim Macbeth

Hepatology Nurse Practitioner

Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh


(sent on behalf of the Scottish Liver Nurses Group)
