Research, Travel or Sabbatical Funding

The SSG welcomes funding applications from all current members of the SSG. Funding can be for research, travel or sabbatical activity. Up to £5,000 will be available per annum, with a maximum of £2,500 for any individual application. The funding will be shared amongst appropriate applicants after consideration by council, which will take place on a quarterly basis. The deadlines for submitting your application are as follows:

  • 1 February
  • 1 May
  • 1 August
  • 1 November

If you would like to submit an application, please complete the following form and send this to Covering letters are accepted however an application must be submitted as well.
Please submit any application at least 3 months before the activity takes place and in line with the above deadlines. If you are submitting a proposal within less than 3 months, please provide the reasons for this in your application. Applications will not be considered for past activity.


Funding to attend SSG events

Funding is available for up to £50 to SSG members who are medical students, non-medical (i.e. Nurses and Allied Health Professional (AHP)) associate members and foundation trainee (FY1/FY2) members for attendance at SSG meetings only.

All applications must be submitted within 2 weeks of the event.

Please complete the expense form and return this to

If you have any queries please contact the SSG office.