Tuesday, 16 November, 2021

RCPE Professionalism in Medicine: Embracing the digital world – getting the most out of it as clinicians
Tuesday 16 November
Virtual Evening Meeting

The Coronavirus pandemic has resulted in many changes in the way we practice medicine and deliver care to our patients.  One of the key themes of change has been the use of digital systems and data to communicate with patients. From the use of virtual patient consultations to communicating public health messages and designing healthcare systems using healthcare informatics, we are all now far more aware of digital possibilities.  What have we learnt from this experience, what do we now need to know and what does the future hold?

Our excellent speakers and topics for this event are:

  • Engaging with the public in a digital age - Professor Linda Bauld, Bruce and John Usher Professor of Public Health, University of Edinburgh
  • Communication techniques in a digital world - Dr Kirsty Boyd, Lead Tutor, Effective Communication for Healthcare
  • Health Informatics - Everything you and your patients need to know! - Dr Cian Hughes, Clinical Research Scientist at Google Health

This event is free for all RCPE Fellows and Members.

This event is organised by the RCPE Recently Appointed Consultants’ Committee and is suitable in particular for all consultants, senior trainees and specialist doctors and associate specialists.

Book now at: https://events.rcpe.ac.uk/professionalism-medicine-embracing-digital-world-%E2%80%93-getting-most-out-it-clinicians 
